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Going Through A lot of Stress? Try Martial Arts

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Those that stop learning stop growing.  Many people young and old do not open their mind to enough positive things.  We need to surround ourselves with positives on all levels, that is people, places and things.  It would also be to our benefit to us all to understand that being right is not always important.  We could benefit from learning to let it go.  As we get older, we lose flexibility in more areas then just our physical bodies.  This lost of flexibility is on a mental level.

This again does not have to happen, however we see ever day in traffic, online, at home and in our schools etc. Just look at the morning news in the morning can be seen across the world.  I have an instructor who is over 73 years of age he is in better physical condition then many 25 years old that I know.  His name is Grand Master Reno Morales, he prefers Reno he is very active, so active that at his present age he is still ACTIVE as a bodyguard and his is an ACTIVE bounty hurter.  I am not kidding.  His have over 60 years in the martial arts.  Please understand he trains everyday, eats correctly, has a positive mind attitude and has a fantastic memory.  Please understand I am not saying that the martial arts, is the key to the fountain of youth, or that everyone that training has a positive mental attitude but I am saying that it has helped many.  You mind and body, are very complicated machines if you do not take care of them they may not be able to take care of you.  Keep them well tuned and in great shape.  We at the SYBCG school of Self Defense work to assist all our students in always.  We offer training is karate, jujutsu, cardio kickboxing, rape aggression defense, resisting aggression defensively, positive self-defense, DT and more.  We also do want to help you to be the best person you can be as a whole person.  Our school, systems and instructor are well rounded.  Our training is in martial arts, martial arts sciences, natural health, reiki, mediation, personal fitness, trigger-point therapy, CPR, first aid, positive self-defense, etc.

In modern day society, the types of response that would deal healthily with the adrenaline release of a stressful incident, are deemed to be unacceptable. You cannot scream at people in the middle of a business meeting; or fly across your boss’s desk and start strangling him. And you also cannot just run away from a meeting. In other words, your automatic biochemical responses fill you with chemicals designed for action, but society insists you sit quietly and take it on the chin. When the levels of stress become too much for a person, the result can be explosive rage. This is usually the point when a person has endured multiple stressors, each releasing adrenaline, and their body is screaming for evasive or confrontational action. The very modern crime of road-rage is a real world example of the primitive natural instinct finally winning over the artificial tethers of social rule.

Practicing can inspire a deepness of spirit and it has been called meditation in motion. For those who practice, it is at first a learning experience where, depending on which form you study, takes time to learn the different number of moves. There is the Yang-style 108 long form, Chen style and more. The results of practice can vary. It is said that Tai Chi will give you the strength of a lion, extreme peace of mind and flexibility like when you were young.

Tai Chi can do all of these things and more as you practice. In the beginning it might be considered a ritual that is performed on a set schedule. However, as the student learns more moves, the development of ch’i and its movement through the body begins to take precedent. Nuance and small tweaks can make a world of difference in the way the form is done. There is also the benefits of practicing the art, one of the most obvious being better posture and a straighter spine.

Stimulating the mind is one of the most important effects of martial arts training. Not only does this stimulation allow you to more effectively focus on learning new techniques, but it also provides for clearer thought. While this type of training are most commonly associated with improving physical prowess, it is also an excellent brain stimulant. In fact, here is a look at three ways martial arts training stimulates the mind.

In today’s society, the sedentary lifestyle is the norm. We may sit at a computer all day at work, or we may spend our evenings mindlessly flipping through the TV channels. From our physical, to emotional, to mental health the majority of North Americans do little to improve our fitness. Martial arts training has been shown to have a number of positive benefits for our minds and bodies as it incorporates strength training, aerobic training, stretching, and mental focus exercises. Indeed, through martial arts, enthusiasts experience not only positive body changes but improvements in mental acuity and focus as well as stress management.

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