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VIDEO:  Samuel Ericsson Worldwide Athlete Demonstrates his Training Routine

The following outline represents the painstaking steps to take for what is a solid Muay Thai training routine that you would best be served by:

  • Skipping Rope
  • Running
  • Shadowboxing
  • Thai pad work
  • Heavy bag training
  • Clinch work
  • Sparring
  • Ab Work
  • Stretching
  • Meditation

Below are brief descriptions of how these training techniques are applied to insure you reach your optimal success:

Traditional Muay Thai Workout Routine:

Every day the training program would basically be this type of workout:

  • Group run – 2-4 miles
  • Skip Rope – 3 rounds
  • Shadow Box – 2 rounds
  • Pad Work or Sparring – 3-5 rounds
  • Heavy Bag Work – 3-5 rounds
  • Clinch 3-5 rounds
  • Stretch
  • Relax/Meditate during off time

All series of events run anywhere between 2-5 minutes. You should base your muay thai training program on for what you are training for:

  • If you are training for an amateur muay thai fight, likely you are fighting 2 minute rounds.
  • If you are training for a professional muay thai fight, it will be 3 minute rounds.
  • If you feel like pushing yourself and your muay thai training partner to the limits , try 4-5 minute rounds!

This type of muay thai workout program usually takes between 90 minutes to 2 hours depending on how many rounds you do and how long the rounds last.

Why You Should Run In A Group

Group training will motivate you to work harder.

Traditionally in Thailand gyms, the pace is generally set by the most experienced muay thai fighters and the least experienced fighters are in the back.

Obviously, you will run harder, faster and longer if you have a group of muay thai fighters pushing each other to higher levels similar to what any personal weight trainers attempt.

Why Skipping Rope Is Important For Muay Thai Training

As any boxer, including muay thai boxers will acknowledge, jumping rope is a great way to add an extra bounce to your step, strengthen your calves and warm up for your upcoming intense muay thai boxing workout routine.

Focus on performing different types of techniques while skipping rope. For example, instead of doing just a regular skip, try a crossover or jump side to side in orthodox or southpaw stance. Be sure to switch it up to work on your coordination and focus!

You should laser focus your mind for your upcoming hard muay thai workout routine. Try asking yourself questions while skipping rope to assist you to focus and push you to achieve more than what you may initially belief you can physically endure. For example:

  • What are my goals for this muay thai boxing workout routine?
  • What muay thai techniques do I want to focus on and improve?
  • What can I do to have the best muay thai training today?



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