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An amazingly gifted, future MMA star has emerged out of Kansas. Ivey Nixon is currently 5-1 with all of his wins ending by stoppage. I caught up with him after his latest win at Victory FC.

He got started in MMA in a blink of an eye, “I got started in MMA after getting called for a fight on 24 hours notice. It was against a hometown hero that was 7-0, so I came into the fight as the underdog. I won the fight and lost to the judges. After the fight, the promoter pulled me aside and said that he wanted to promote my career. I’ve been doing that ever since. I have managed to leave none of my MMA fights to the judges. All of my fights have ended by TKO since.” UFC


After being asked who his “dream fight” would be, Nixon said, “I would fight Robbie Lawler. I love his style because he just loves to stand up and bang, just like I do. I know once that time comes to fight him, it will be a fight to remember in UFC history.”



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