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Imagine Yourself Beating the Bully!

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What will happen when the worst-case scenario takes place, and a sicko grabs your child? This is not a scare tactic; it is something that every parent should consider. Just as you teach your children what to do in case of a fire, you should find a program, not necessarily a full-blown karate class, but a program that you can use to drill your children with. To teach them survival skills that will get them away from danger.

Q. If I encourage my Kids to take up Martial Arts won’t they become bullies at school?

A. No. Most unlikely, as it teaches self control and improves their self esteem.

Frequently Kids lack self belief and therefore confidence, which in many cases leads to them being bullied at school.

Q. Should kids be encouraged to fight?

A. No of course not.

Real life self-defense scenarios are ugly and terrifying, yet so many of us are not prepared to deal with them. And we send our kids out into the world every day even more unprepared than we are. Junior is not going to beat up an adult bent on doing him harm with the cool little Karate kicks he learns in class.

For your kids to protect themselves, they need something better than a class. They need a true self-defense system.

You are ready to provide your child with the information and skills they need to protect themselves, aren’t you?

Kids benefit from physical exercise and Martial Arts for Kids is a fantastic and energetic way to achieve fitness of both mind and body.

All to often kids aren’t keen to participate in run of the mill sports and would prefer to sit in front of the TV or computer playing games. As a result too many kids become obese, lack energy, lack social skills and have poor interaction with others. But Kids benefit from physical exercise and Martial Arts is a fantastic and energetic way to achieve fitness for mind and body.

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