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Going Through A lot of Stress? Try Martial Arts

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VIDEO: See This Awesome Capoeira Street Fight!

It’s unfortunate for western mental health that this emotionally transformative art has gone unnoticed. The Far East has understood mental stability can come from daily martial training for millennia. Modern day schools of thought call it the “power from within”, but the concept of harnessing internal energy dates back 3000 years to ancient Sri Lanka, and spread northwest to Korea, India, and China, where it eventually came to be known as “Chi.”

In addition to practice and self-discipline, martial arts teach breathing techniques.  Many of them use the slow breathing techniques that have been used by martial artists for centuries.  Similar to how specialists help people deal with panic attacks and stress, martial arts use breathing techniques for both physical and mental health and to create the body and mind connection.  This connection allows you to run at a peaceful and happy level because you have achieved mastery over your mind and body.


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