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What is the martial arts that changed everything for the genre?

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Bruce Lee firmly believed that fighting is a spontaneous art and that it is unrealistic to predict movements and be able to respond using the fixed and rigid patterns that martial artists often use. His fighting style is all about smooth and fluid movement at the same time as minimum effort with maximum effect. The tools that he focused on using were kicking, punching, trapping and grappling. He did not practice or teach the art of predicting movement but rather reacting to it. A phrase or concept that he often referred to was “be fluid like water.” Where water can adapt to any shape, a good martial artist must adapt to any situation. Flexibility, of mind as well as the body is an important principle.

Bruce Lee’s ultimate goal was to transcend style and “conventional” human limitation, yet there was still a very distinct and tangible, albeit evolving, methodology.

Bruce Lee himself was documented, via written and verbal accounts, referring to his martial art as though it were a quantifiable thing distinctly different from other martial arts, yet tangible and teachable — a style.

As a Martial Artist inspired by Bruce Lee, I do my part to preserve his martial arts legacy by offering Jeet Kune Do training that is as historically accurate as possible yet personally tailored to individual students for maximal growth.

I think the founder would be happy and proud that people are using his techniques, philosophies and training methods as tools of inspiration to transcend limitation.

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