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What is the martial arts that changed everything for the genre?

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VIDEO: Watch this vid of Bruce Lee taking down Robert Wall!

Jeet Kun Do requires no memorization of solo forms or “kata”. Lee felt that practicing forms without an opponent compared to learning to swim on dry land. He believed that combat was alive and dynamic, changing from millisecond to millisecond.
When Bruce Lee began developing his own styles and philosophies that would be effective either in the ring or on the street, it was initially known as Jun Fan Gung Fu.

This translates as Bruce Lee’s Kung Fu. However he didn’t want his method to become thought of as yet another style or “version” of kung fu so he gave it the name Jeet Kun Do, often referred to simply as JKD.

Another very important principle that Bruce Lee believed firmly in is termed the non-telegraphic punch. The basically means utilizing explosive attacks that can’t be foreseen or predicted. This is one of the hardest skills to master as the slightest movement such as a twitch or muscle tensing is all a good opponent needs in order to have time to react.



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