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Shadow Boxing Before Your Muay Thai Workouts

Shadow boxing is a good time to visualize the goals you want to accomplish today.

When you are shadowboxing you should;

  • Focus on perfecting your muay thai technique
  • Focus on your breathing
  • Visualize your opponent in front of you
  • Change angles
  • Diversify your strikes
  • Have quick, precise movements

Visualize yourself stepping into the ring, touching gloves and fighting a real fight. Don’t just go through the motions and punch/kick the air without any purpose or plan. Clearly, the most effective training practice is to be sparring with a real opponent if possible.


How To Make The Best Of Your Muay Thai Pad Work

Pad work should be a major portion of your daily Muay Thai training regimen. This practice will improve and increase your cardio ability and strength, place focus on enhancing your Muay Thai technique and improve your mental strength by pushing yourself past your comfort zone. You will hopefully always be testing and extending your comfort zone to create new and further goals.

Optimally, an instructor or experienced pad holder able to hold pads, are preferred. Simply follow the lead of your instructor and you are sure to get the best Muay Thai pad training sessions.

If you don’t have an available instructor or experienced pad holder, you probably won’t be able to get as much out of the Muay Thai pad sessions as you’d like.This is where having a muay thai training partner who is as dedicated as you comes into play! You both have to work together to improve your Muay Thai pad holding technique as well as your Muay Thai striking technique!


Muay Thai Sparring Tips

Approximately (1-3 times a week) you should do some Muay Thai sparring in substitute of your Muay Thai pad sessions. Instead of doing 5 hard rounds of hitting thai pads, you can either do 5 hard rounds of hitting your Muay Thai training partner in the face or 3 easy rounds of light technique sparring! Don’t ignore sparring because this is where you all your hard work, technique training and Muay Thai conditioning combine together. Here is where you learn the most about yourself, how prepared you are, what you need more work on  and how you react when you have an actual opponent in front of you!


How To Do Muay Thai Heavy Bag Work

As you are getting towards the end of your Muay Thai workout and you are getting tired, start to focus primarily on technique and certain combinations you either need to work on you learned from your Muay Thai pad sessions or other combinations you want to try out on your own. Again, try to push yourself and work hard! Nothing worth while comes easy.

Why You Should Always Work On Your Muay Thai Clinch!

Undeniably, clinch work is tedious, hard and brutal… but it needs to be done.

Nearly every Muay Thai fight ends up in the clinch one way or another, and neglecting this part of your Muay Thai training routines can very well lose you fights. Push yourself as much as possible and then some. If you are a little beat up, work on mainly the technique aspect of clinching. If you are healthy and uninjured, make the Muay Thai clinch session almost as real and hard as your Muay Thai sparring session!

Why You Should Stretch After Your Muay Thai Workout Routine

Relaxing your body is essential if you want a full recovery after a good, long, hard Muay Thai workout session. Not to mention flexibility is important if you want to kick people in the head!

Stretching your muscles will help open them up so they have more room to grow and help flush lactic acid out of your body which will help your body heal faster.

You can concentrate on basic stretches like touching your toes, twisting your back and so on, but if you are more advanced stretches from yoga will be more beneficial!


What Does Meditation Do?

Meditation has been shown scientifically to have great benefits to clear your mind, refocus, de-stress and get an idea of what thoughts are constantly on your mind. Like any other method, it takes practice but the rewards in Muay Thai as well as in regular life are well worth the effort!

Everyone should take the time for 5-15 minutes to relax, sit down, breathe and let their mind be calm. We guarantee if you learn how to meditate it will help with re-energizing your body and mind for your next Muay Thai training routine!

Sources: & Samuel Ericsson World Athlete


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