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Rodtang Jitmuangnon (Thailand) vs Edgar Tabares (Mexico) | KNOCKOUT, Muay Thai Fight, HD

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Expert Thai flyweight Muay Thai competitor and kickboxer Rodtang Jitmuangnon, nicknamed “The Iron Man”, faced Mexican top-ranked athlete and WBC Muay Thai champion Edgar Tabares. Experience this amazing Muay Thai showdown featuring lightning-fast strikes ⚡, effective techniques, and continuously activity in spectacular HD highlights.

Prepare for an eruptive Muay Thai showdown as Rodtang Jitmuangnon, the relentless “Iron Man,” takes on Edgar Tabares in a thrilling fight for the flyweight world title! This legendary battle features continuous action, powerful strikes, and spectacular mixes from start to finish. Don’t miss the intensity– struck like, subscribe, and view every moment in magnificent HD!.

Rodtang Jitmuangnon (Thailand) vs Edgar Tabares (Mexico)|KNOCKOUT, Muay Thai Fight, HD.

Video footage rights and material given by WSC Sports:

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