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How to do advanced Muay Thai

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VIDEO: AWESOME! Check out this demo of Muay Thai training! Watch the vid below

Now, when we enter into the clinch we never want to enter in, okay, square because our opponents could, you know, throw a jab across, down the middle, and the next thing you know you’re on the ground. So when we go in, they call it threading the needle which means, basically, when I go in, I enter in with my left hand first okay?, establishing some kind of hold with the left hand okay? And then putting my right hand up okay, and then either throw your knees or try to come in on the inside and get in a good position.

There are a couple of positions that you don’t want to be in, okay? And the most dangerous one is here with your head down. If your head is down, you really don’t have much to pull your head out, okay? You’re going to be taking a lot of knees in from the mid-section if you decide to close the distance to grab the waist, they can take the waist out and keep you, you know, in that position for pretty much as long as they want.

Another position you don’t want to be in is if your arm is locked here, they’ve got you around the neck. Now your right side or left side is going to be taking a lot of knees.  So, one drill that you can do to get used to, you know, keeping your head up is – hands up, we thread the needle, we come in, now with your partner you want to rise up on the balls of your feet and keep your head up, shoulders up. From that position, we just pommel, okay? Your partner comes on the inside with both hands, alright? I pommel in, and in, and then he comes in and in. Alright? So, once you’ve got the gist of that, you can take that and go a little bit quicker with it, but always making sure when you enter in, head up nice and high.  And then try and pommel your hands in one by one, trying to get control of the head.

So, with your partner, OK, hands up in your stance, OK, whatever the partner asks for. Jab, cross, OK, he holds for a kick. You come up with a kick, and come back down. Cross, and cross, OK, he comes up for a teat, out, and then back down. Jab, cross again, up with a kick, making sure that when you come up with that kick you make it very quick. All right. and then we turn back to the middle. Hands up. Two jabs. Kick, finish and again, feet.

So try to mix up the combinations. At first take your time, pace yourself well. When you feel like you’ve got good energy the next round that you go try to pick the pace of the punches up, So that you’re quick, jab, cross, all right, and then when you get to the kick, try the kick with a little bit more steam and a little bit more power. If you start throwing the kicks with more power and the punches with more power and you find that you’re getting a little sloppy, slow it down, take your time, go right back to the basics of nice and slow. Come up, and again when you feel you’ve got that going well, pick the pace up and then continue.

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