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How to determine a fight outcome between Street Fighting and Martial Arts

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These include, but are not limited to the groin, the eyes, and the throat. Don’t try to get into a boxing match with your attacker, strike at him quickly and forcefully to his vulnerable areas. You can grab at his groin in a crushing, twisting motion. The eyes can be jabbed at with accurate strikes, even a light blow to the eye will cause your attacker extreme pain and will incapacitate him. The throat and windpipe area is super vulnerable to a variety of incapacitating moves. You can grab his wind pipe in a crushing grip, also by grabbing his carotid arteries on either side of his windpipe you can render your attacker unconscious.

With that said, how would you fight, if you had to, an MMA guy in a real street situation? 

5 Secrets To Defeating An MMA Guy In A Real Street Fight:

Secret #1 – Play Timid – Then Punch To The Throat – Look these guys are usually young, strong, fit and muscular.  They are aggressive, willing and ready to fight.  Then don’t have to think twice about going into attack mode.  The more you use your mind, the less you get kicked in the behind.  Disarm him psychologically, by playing timid with you hands up in the “I don’t won’t any trouble, buddy” position when “Bam!” you punch to the throat.  The fight is all over then because now he is grabbing his throat and gasping for air.  His thoughts are only on “Oh, no, I can’t breathe!  I need to breathe!”  At this point, he is not thinking about fighting only getting control of his breathing again.  Depending on the situation, you can follow up with further strikes.

Secret #2Play Timid – Eye Gouge – Then Knee Stomp – An alternative to a throat strike is a finger eye gouge followed up by a 45º angle knee stomp.  Your opened fingers fall down across the eyes and rake them.  The movement is similar to how you get accidentally raked in the eye when playing basketball when the other team player tries to slap the basketball out of your hand as you go up for the jump shot but misses and rakes your eyes.  Only in the case of street fighting, you are doing it intentionally and with force followed up by another strike to the knee.  Continue your attack .  Remember, these guys are used to taking a lot of punishment and they have a high threshold for pain.  You can chop down this oak tree but not by welding one axe swing.

Secret #3 Avoid Close Quarters Fighting – Kick To The Shins – MMA fighters are expert close-quarters fighters and they love to clinch.  Keep your distance and execute damaging low line shin kicks that will start them hopping on one leg.  Continue banging away at their foundation.  Eventually, they will fall.

Secret #4 – Be Ready For The Takedown – Shoot Your Legs Back – MMA fighters love the takedown, so the probability is very high that they will shoot for your legs in an effort to take you to the ground.  Watch for this.  When you see it coming – shoot both your legs back and manage to fall on top of them smashing their face on the ground when then miss.  Then immediately get back up.  The ground is not your friend.

Secret #5 In A Clinch – Bite Whatever Is Available – Uh! Oh!  You slipped up and got yourself in trouble.  You find yourself in a clinch.  Do you want to freak an MMA guy out real fast?  Bite him.  Yes, bite him on whatever is available.  His cheek.  His forearm.  His nipples.  His groin.  And growl! – for dramatic and psychological shock value.  I promise you that that fool will let you go and will be totally freaked out because you will have taken all of the fight out of him.  But sorry, too late for pity.  Get back on your feet, and continue busting him in the shins with another and yet another front kick.

The loss of fine motor skill is by far the most important part of scientific street fighting but here are a few more reaction that are pretty cool:

Your skin will go pale, because your body is restricting blood flow to the skin. This reduces blood loss from shallow cuts and scrapes you will likely receive.

To save energy you brain stops recording as many short term memories. This is why people often can’t remember exactly what happened after a disaster or fight.

Street Fighting Tips: Avoid Fighting And Don’t Be A Movie Star!

With or without a solid self-defense skills or martial arts background, it is always much better to avoid confrontation. You should always take a step back, and assess the situation. Very often, these fights are started by extremely minor misunderstanding or pelt up frustration and are completely avoidable.

More importantly, if there are way more than 2 aggressors, you best bet is to run away! Do not believe what you see in action movies or films where the hero takes on the whole gang of bullies by himself – these kind of things do not occur in the real world.

Remember, you first and foremost priority is always to get a way out of the situation untouched and to run whenever a break presents itself – avoid fighting whenever possible.

Street fights have no rules, which also makes them a lot more dangerous. There is no one there to stop the fight if one of the fighters is clearly down and out. A lot of the “don’tsin match fighting are used in street fights and can help them win, as that is the main objective. They can help you win in times when you hare out matched by a more skillful opponent, even though most fighters would agree upon that they do not want to be classified as a dirty fighter.

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