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East Asian Martial Arts Influence on Current Martial Arts

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Kung Fu (Chinese Style)

The movements of Kung Fu are derived from nature.  Kung Fu practitioners move their bodies to move with the power and agility of a tiger or the force of an ocean wave.  The soft and hard movements of Kung Fu combine to develop flexibility, coordination, strength and speed.  Unlike the linear movements of Kong Su (Tae Kwon Do or Karate), Kung Fu movements twist the body in all directions, dramatically increasing the development of the torso or core.  Movements in Kung Fu flow from one to the next and strikes can come from all directions, gaining speed from circular movements and force from a linear finish.

Hap Ki Do / Ai Ki Do

Hap Ki Do is a balance of both hard and soft movement.  Students become adept at using their hands and feet to target joints, pressure points and nerves. This style teaches students the proper range of motion for the human body and how to use that knowledge to incapacitate an opponent’s limbs with a minimum of pressure at the correct angles. Ai Ki Do uses a similar knowledge of muscles and joints to lock an opponent’s attacks through a reliance on hand strength and fluid motions. Students will achieve an increase in grip strength and an understanding of the swift movements needed to change a position of weakness into a position of strength.

Ship Pal Gae (18 Weapons)

In Ship Pal Gae the study of one weapon aids the understanding of the others. Ship Pal Gae contains all of the 18 main weapons of Chinese martial arts. Students begin with simpler weapons such as the Tan Bong (short staff), moving to more complicated weapons such as the Jang Chu Chuck Bope (three section nunchaku) or the Sang Pyo Kom (two swords with hooks at the end of the blade and crescent blades over the handle). Training in Ship Pal Gae teaches the student to move the body and weapon as one and to always be aware of everything going on around them. When the student becomes one with the weapon, their hands, feet and the weapon move as one and they strike with almost unconscious accuracy. Weapons must match the practitioner’s body type but are also used to build underdeveloped areas. Practitioners of Ship Pal Gae generally notice an increased sense of awareness as well as a significant increase in hand-eye coordination. Because of this, weapons training is known to accelerate a student’s development up to 5 times the pace of empty hand alone.

Tai Chi Chung

Tai Chi Chung is a Chinese martial art of fluid, graceful movements that harmoniously set the entire body into motion. The body adapts to sway as a willow branch in a gentle breeze or to drift, softly as a cloud in the wind. Because movements originate from the student’s core they are strong without requiring force or sharpness.  The breath in Tai Chi matches carefully by the movement, bringing an overall sense of calm and well-being. Those who consistently practice internal martial arts such as Tai Chi Chung and Bagwa notice a greater ability to remain calm in stressful situations, increased awareness, endurance and a wellspring of energy that comes from a more profound inner strength leading to a decrease in illness and other disease.

Udo / Jiujitsu
(Korean Style / Japanese Style)

Udo teaches you to use circular movements to throw your opponent off balance giving you the ability to take them to the ground.  Through this, you learn to use their strength against them and how use the ground as a weapon.  To practice this, students must first learn to be thrown without injury.  To do this students practice various rolling, gymnastic and tumbling techniques that build body control and core strength.

Kong Su / Tae Kwon Do
(Korean Style / Japanese Style)

Kong Su includes the main movements of hard style martial arts such as Tae Kwon Do or Karate and is one of the styles those styles derived from.  Blocks and attacks are both hard and linear and are capable of shattering an attacker.  The student learns to put their maximum speed and strength into the most direct path of attack or block.  Students of Kong Su kick powerfully to the front, side and rear in the blink of an eye; surging through defenses rather than manipulating around them. Through this students develop stronger muscles and better reaction times.

Kom Do (Korean and Japanese Style)

Kom Do is the art of the samurai sword.  The practice of Kom Do unifies the mind of the student with the intent of the blade.  Kom Do requires an increased presence of mind to remain conscious of the path of the weapon and its impact on those around it. Students develop strong eye contact and the ability to sense the opponent’s intent through the smallest signals seen in peripheral vision. Movements in this style are precise, very quick and meant to incapacitate with a single blow. Kom Do training builds incredible mental awareness and the ability to quickly decide a course of action and follow through without hesitation.

Bagwa Chung (Chinese Style) 

The style of Bagwa is based on the observation of flowing and crashing waters coursing around deep whirlpools.  Bagwa is one of the internal forms of Traditional Martial Arts that sharpens reflexes and cultivates the understanding of the mind and body. Just as Feng Shui is used as a tool to enhance positive energy throughout the home, Bagwa focuses on increasing the circulation of positive energy throughout the body. The goal is to reach harmony between mind and body.  Bagwa movements, when done correctly, balance and center one’s Chi, giving the practitioner a healthy and youthful inward and outward appearance. One of the main practices in Bagwa is the Bagwa Walk.  Bagwa Walk a unique, circular walking position derived from the movements of various animals. The Oom Yung line of Bagwa consists of 360 techniques that encompass many different offensive and defensive positions. Bagwa training enables the student to move their body like a coiled spring, smoothly and lightly, but with tremendous speed and power. Practitioners will notice a surge in strength and condition coupled with a feeling of being connected to an infinitely replenishable source of energy (Nae Gong). Those who study Bagwa are able to move swiftly, lightly and cautiously but retain the ability to become an immovable stone or a crashing wave when needed. The Bagwa student learns to master the art of remaining inwardly calm while their fists and feet strike multiple times in the span of a second.

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