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Chuck Norris on record saying Bruce Lee could beat anyone including himself!

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VIDEO: View the outcome of the fight between these 2 legends!

We all know about Chuck Norris being Lee’s opponent in the movie Return of the Dragon in the famous coliseum fight. Norris was already an accomplished martial artist when he met Lee, having learned Tang Soo Do in Korea while in the Air Force and competing and teaching back in the U.S.A.

Norris founded the World Combat League (WCL) in 2005, which is a full-contact, team-based martial arts competition. Each team is from a different region and it intends to grow to more cities in the United States and have both European and Asian leagues.

Bruce Lee started training at a young age, his father was skilled in Wu style Tai Chi Chuan and began training him in Tai Chi. It is important to understand, that Tai Chi, the style that Bruce Lee’s father practiced, used an exercise called “pushing hands” this is somewhat of an isometric exercise. In that it uses the resistance of another person, as well as an isometric contraction.

Bruce Lee the mere mention of his name conjures up images of those kung fu movies of the 70s and 80s. Where would Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan and Jet Li... just to mention a few– be today if it hadn’t been for Bruce Lee?

Chuck Norris was defeated in his first two tournaments. However, by 1967 he had improved enough and scored victories. Norris then went on to suffer his tenth and last loss of his career in early 1968, losing an upset decision to Louis Delgado. On 24th November 1968, Norris avenged his defeat to Delgado and by doing so he won the Professional Middleweight Karate champion title, which he held for six years running. He won Karate’s Triple Crown in 1969 for the most tournament wins of the year, as well as the Fighter of the Year award by Black Belt Magazine.

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