MuayThai Health Check Out This Breakthrough Health Secret Find out More

Awesome Fighting with Tony Jaa and Bruce Lee

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These two skills feed off of one another and carry over to other parts of your life.  The more you learn to control your body, the more you control your mind.   The more you can control your mind, the more you’ll be able to control your body.  This control carries over to other parts of your life as well:  Once you can control your body while training, you’ll be able to start controlling your urges to move and fidget.  The same goes for your mind.  As you discipline your mind, you’ll be able to concentrate and focus on your daily activities, your job and your relationships.

Please remember you can be better and improve your overall wellness.  Martial arts can be a great path to better and longer good overall health and abilities.  Keep this in mind.  The thing is not what happens.  It is in the interpretation of what we believe has happened means.

As is the case with any form of exercise, it may take several weeks for an individual to visibly notice physical improvements. Nevertheless, in just a few weeks martial arts training helps to improve cardiovascular fitness while also lowering blood sugar and blood pressure. Generally speaking, practitioners start to experience higher energy levels while also shedding unwanted pounds and improving flexibility. Indeed, the regular practice of martial arts can help to reduce the risk for a wide range of illnesses from hypertension and diabetes to heart disease, respiratory disease, and obesity.

Life and time are precious lets use it and enjoy it for as long as we can.  You are where you are by your habits.  Change your habits change your life.  Now let us change it for the better.  Most of these changes are small but there effect can be huge.  My oldest son is 24 my youngest is 9 years old, they are both in great physical health.

The health effects of stress are rooted in the innate physiological processes that the human species evolved to counter threats of imminent danger or death – the so-called “fight or flight” response. The response is automatic, and pumps our bodies with adrenaline, raising blood pressure and respiration rate, and pumping this fresh oxygenated blood to our brains and limbs, for fast thinking and decision-making, or fast running!

As well, Tai Chi improves sensitivity, increases reaction time and heightens the ability to concentrate, control breathing, improving balance and movement of ch’i. Developing a stronger root is also one of the results where many men can push on a veteran practitioner and be unable to move them.

Tai Chi is many things: a vehicle to deeper feeling and thought, a health benefit and stress reducer, meditation in motion, one of the best systems of self-defense ever created and a realization of form and beauty. Some consider it body poetry, with the postures being hieroglyphics strung together to create a complete story.

On the physical level we now live in a world with an over 85 percent over weight problem. The fitness levels of the average man, woman and/or child today are poor. This is a problem that MA could very easily address. This could be a great benefit to the overall health and fitness of all who start on a path with a strong base in the MA. There have been long histories of people who enter in to the martial arts who have had poor grades in schools that have gotten better and continue to improve.

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