Plumb Series – Inside Swim To Inside Control
Check out our video series on how to Counter the Plumb!
The Inside Swim Technique is the most common Plumb Technique and is taught to students when they first learn the Plumb. This technique is transferred over to many of the other escapes, and is used very frequently to gain inside control. The technique consists of using the body to sneak one arm in between your opponent’s Plumb, followed up with the other arm to grab your opponent’s neck and gain inside control. Your shoulders are extremely important when doing the Inside Swim, because it helps you break the Plumb with less effort by using the shoulder to “shrug off” the arm.
Enjoy the video and be sure to check out our other videos in this series and our other series as well!
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Filmed at: Northwest Fighting Arts | 1200 SE Morrison St. Portland, OR 97214